Thursday, March 24, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor is best known for her lovely 'violet eyes,' many marriages, and jet-settler lifestyle. Call me an advertising nerd, but I love her for the icon she made of herself through branding! wrote a wonderful article in tribute to the legacy she left. <--click!

Monday, March 21, 2011


That's it. I've had it with all the 'you should do this' and 'it'd be better if you did that.' I'm going to figure out something that I want to do, and just do it dammit! I want to be a designer! It's what makes me happy, and it's something I don't think I'll ever get sick of. So I'm throwing caution to the wind, and I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. This blog is going to act as my witness as well as my encouragement.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

vacation dreaming...

While everyone is enjoying their spring break in Padre, I'm still here :/ But that's okay... working and getting stuff done! And taking the weekend to enjoy Oklahoma. Starting with a bath and a "Hawaiian Breeze" candle, so I can at least pretend I'm relaxing by the beach..

Any suggestions for things to do in Oklahoma? Preferably not too far away... We've only got a day and a half off work!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Loving Oklahoma

It's so much needed! With all this talk of being worried and stressed out, this break couldn't have come at a better time! While it will be a lifelong journey of mine to learn the art of being content, here's a few things that have inspired me in the past couple days:

-I'm thinking of creating Oklahoma tee shirts that are along this line of fun/silly/simple humor:
-I've got to learn more about HTML and website programming asap! That seems to be the direction society is moving, and I want to be on top of it!
-Saving up for a sailboat :) Something small enough to put on the lake here, but big enough we could spend the night in.
-Fostering growth in OKC. What a great city full of really, really excellent people. A few organizations that are going to do wonders for this city:
Keep it Local!
              -With so many hole-in-the-wall places, this is brilliant!
Homeless Alliance OKC
              -Read about their 'Real Change' initiative
I can't wait to be involved with OKC! Loving Oklahoma :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

small victories

On a bright note, I conqured my fear of Sara Sara cupcakes today, thanks to a little help from some super awesome friends ( I'm not scared of cupcakes (I promise I'm not crazy)... its just that its SOOOO WHITE in there! Its like I'm in a crazy room and any second they're going to strap me in. The chairs are white plastic, the pictures (as in the graphics inside them) are white, the floor, walls, and ceiling are all the same color white, the counter is white... etc etc and it's all inside a little white house with a white picket fence with fake grass. Its just kinda creepy, in my opinion. However, my carrot cake cupcake was well worth it :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

A day of curveballs

Well, today was interesting. A little frustrating, a little fun, but I guess the main point is I'm learning. Help came in an unexpected place today, and reminded me that there is a God... sometimes he speaks in a whisper... and sometimes you can't even really tell he's there. I get so angry.... but that's a tale for another time. My new friend said today that everyone is entitled to their own choices. You just have to accept that they're going to make choices and do things that you don't like or don't agree with, but at the end of the day all you can do is own up to who you are... and keep moving forward.
Oh, how true, but oh, how easily forgotten.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Too long, too long

It has been too long since my last post! Honestly I tried to update one day, but I forgot my password and almost resorted to starting all over. So glad I remembered it!

Hmm so what is there to catch up on... it's hard to think over the sound of my upstairs neighbor playing some music that should only be heard on the show Jersey Shore... :( Which was especially pleasent last week when I was stressed out of my mind, but couldn't consentrait because my door kept rattling with the beat of his tunes. But I got through it I suppose. There was lots of tear sessions and convincing myself not to punch the door again (because it reallyy hurt last time) and a bit of meditative shoping and wine to top it all off. I'm in a better place now, but still worring about the future. Worried I'm not going to do well in my Senior Seminar class (which wouldn't really be the end of the world but it sure as hell would be embarrassing), worried I'm not going to get a job and am going to spend a good part of the summer dirt ass broke, worried about whether or not I should quit my current job, worried about my friends (or lack there of apparently), worried about who I am/want to be/how people percieve me and if that self-conscious feeling will ever go away.... worried worried worried. 

There I got it out. At least I was finally honest with myself for once.